College of Education and School of Literature, Cultures, and Linguistics

Training Qualified Interpreters for IEP Meetings

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Registration for the first summer session will open on Tuesday, April 8 at 12:01 am CST.

Registration for the second summer session will open on Wednesday, April 16 at 12:01 am CST.

The SPED module for the first summer session will begin on Monday, May 12 and will need to be completed by Monday, May 26. The Interpreting module will begin on Monday, May 26. 

The SPED module for the second summer session will begin on Monday, June 2 and will need to be completed by Monday, June 16. The Interpreting module will begin on Monday, June 16. 

Please be prepared to take the Language Proficiency Test if you are not able to provide language exemption documentation. This test will take 1-1.5 hours.

More Registration Information

Click here to view the schedule for the first Spring session of 2025.

Click here to view the schedule for the second Spring session of 2025.

In order to complete the Training Qualified Interpreters for IEP meetings course, you must create an ELIS (Educator Licensure Information System) account if you currently do not possess one. Once registration for the training course is complete, please email your full name and IEIN number to

Each participant is expected to be present and engaged at every class session. Should an absence be unavoidable, please contact the instructor before the missed class.  Those who miss a session without contacting the instructor in advance will not be eligible to take the final exam. Participants who must miss more than one class may not take the final exam and should plan to re-enroll in a future offering. 

Classes will be held via Zoom for the Interpreting course and will involve active practice and participation. During class sessions, the name under which you registered for the class must appear on your Zoom screen, and you must have your video activated.

If you believe that you're eligible to exempt out of the language proficiency testing, please go to the "Demonstration of Language Proficiency" tab to see what documents qualify you for an exemption. You will need to email the proper exemption documentation to the following email address:

There is no cost to register for this program.