College of Education and School of Literature, Cultures, and Linguistics

Training Qualified Interpreters for IEP Meetings

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Training Qualified Interpreters

What is the cost for registration? There is no cost to register or participate in this program.
Is there a registry where school districts can find available qualified IEP interpreters? Once an individual completes our Training Qualified Interpreters for IEP meetings program; they are able to provide their information to this public registry that will allow school districts to see available IEP translators. Information on the registry can be found here.
Do we have to provide an interpreter to all LEP parents or only the ones who speak top ten languages in IL schools? An LEA is required to provide an interpreter to participate in all IEP meetings to assist parents whose home/native language is other than English (unless parents have clearly indicated that English is used in all communication with district).
Do we have to provide an interpreter for parents who have not asked for one? See above.
How can parents waive their right to have an interpreter present at the IEP meeting? ISBE recommends that the option to have all communication with LEA conducted in English is provided upon registration and included either on the Home Language Survey or on the Emergency Communication form.
Will qualified interpreters be available for all of the languages in my district? At this point, the qualified interpreter training has opened for Spanish and will soon be available for Polish and Arabic.
What should we do when a qualified interpreter is not available in our area or is not available at the time of an IEP meeting? If a qualified interpreter is not available, please continue with procedures you currently have in place in your district and locate an interpreter who can efficiently assist at the IEP meeting, based on your best judgement and your districts requirements.
How long does it take to complete the training? The SPED course is six (6) hours of asynchronous training that must be completed in the allotted time specified for your session. The Interpreting course is at least nine (9) hours of synchronous training that begins once the SPED course is completed. Participants will meet over Zoom for two (2) hours each week for five (5) weeks.
What if I don't have an ELIS account? Having an IEIN number is required to obtain the certification. If you do not have an ELIS account, please create one. It is free and you do not have to be an educator. A help guide can be accessed here:
Can I be put on a waitlist if I am unable to register for a session? Unfortunately, there is no waitlist available. Registration is first come first serve in order to maintain fairness to all individuals who wish to participate. 
Is there a guidance document for qualified interpreting and translation requirements? You can find ISBE's guidance for qualified interpreting and translation requirements via this link: Qualified-Interpreters-Translation-Req.pdf (
What do I do if i do not pass the program? If you do not pass the final exam, you will need to take the program again. If you do not pass the final exam a second time, you must wait a full calendar year before you are allowed to take the program again.